About Me

I am a certified Primal Health Coach, have a Nutrition Network Advisor Certification, and am currently working on a Keto Mastery certification from ASPI research institute in Tampa.

I am 76 years young and found Dr. Boz after losing the same 50-60 pounds 4 other times!

I immediately felt at home (like Dr. Boz, I was born in South Dakota) and embraced her Continuum with gusto. Losing weight on low-carb/keto had always been very doable for me, but I would put the weight back after every weight loss.

Now, I have a new dilemma: loose skin from all the yo-yo dieting. Please embrace this metabolic reset now.  Do not wait till you are my age to take control of your health. What is maybe worse that big arms? Thin arms with creepy skin!

I will most likely be the oldest in our classrooms so I say to all the youngsters, do not wait, this doesn’t get easier with age.

I would be so honored to be part of your journey!

You have heard others say, “If I can do it, anyone can do it.” That’s BS—excuse my bluntness. I had help. My husband of the past twenty years accompanied me as I journeyed. He was my encouraging and patient coach and cheerleader.

I also started a support group and attended several others. You really do need the mirror neuron effect with a tribe to succeed long-term.

You also need help to overcome decades of poor decisions that have often relied on misinformation and uninformed or unwise decisions made decades earlier in your lives.

I hope you consider hiring me as your coach. I promise you I will do everything in my power to help you rediscover, as I did, your health and zest for life!

Sandra Case-Reeves

My Journey

Like many women from my generation, I grew up at a time when physical strength for women was discouraged, and all that mattered was earning our BA/BS and MRS degrees in college.

That’s what I did, had three children, and emotionally and physically overwhelmed myself with the parental and family responsibilities I had taken on. I, my children, and my marriage suffered. I divorced but carried the stress, anxiety, and poor health habits of those years with me for decades.

I populated those decades with questionable personal decisions, episodes of anxiety, depression, and repeated cycles of excessive weight gains and dieting losses. I ultimately gave up and adopted a sedentary and isolated life of exhaustion, obesity, atrophy, and a lack of interest in anything that would expose me to scrutiny by the world. I had opted to become an anonymous nobody. I was waiting to die.

Then, one day—I was about seventy years old—feeling useless and exhausted by my lethargy, I realized that my children and grandchildren would see me as a model and might think it OK to follow in my footsteps. I acknowledged that my husband needed my presence and support. I woke up to the reality that I was still much more than a worn-out American woman even after the years of self-neglect. I decided to become the healthy and happy woman my children, grandkids, and husband needed. I recognized that all that I learned in the past about food and diet was flawed. I had based my knowledge on fad diets and misinformation from self-interested advertising.

I discovered something else about myself during this life journey. I have hidden my genius-for-relating-to-others for most of my life and made it accessible to only a few beneficiaries. Then I opened a channel to what I offer to the world by participating in several support groups that focus on the principles of Dr Boz and Consistently Keto. I am both humbled and emboldened by my ability to open myself to those groups, contribute to them, earn recognition for my contributions, and connect with and help others in those groups.

Sandra Case-Reeves

Health coaching is not intended to diagnose, treat, prevent or cure any disease or condition. It is not intended to substitute for the advice, treatment and/or diagnosis of a qualified licensed professional. Trained Health Coaches may not make any medical diagnoses, claims and/or substitute for your personal physician’s care. We do not provide a second opinion or in any way attempt to alter the treatment plans or therapeutic goals/recommendations of your personal physician. We are not counselors or therapists and do not provide mental health treatment or therapy. It is our role to partner with you to provide ongoing support and accountability as you create an action plan to meet and maintain your weight loss goals. You are responsible for your own physical, mental and emotional well-being. Decisions, choices, actions and results arising out of the coaching relationship are up to you.

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